Muay Thai Card


Playing Card Factory


The King of Martial Art The Queen of Combat Sport

Size : 6.5 x 9 x 2 cm.
Weight : 110 g.
Amount : 56 Cards

Souvenir playing card set of Muay Thai, from the playing card factory.
Propagate the art of self-defense of Thailand. Muay Thai is an art of fighting using weapons from the body 9, such as, fists 2, knees 2, elbows 2, head 1 by using a plie of wits and knowledge, comprising of science and art. The commemorative playing card set, Muay Thai has collected tricks and process of Muay Thai without repetition in the tricks. Comprising of 2 sets namely

  • Male / Blue / The King of Martial Art
  • Female / Red / The Queen of Combat Sport
Suitable for collection as souvernirs or to be given as gifts for various occasions.
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